
Church Extension Funds


The attorneys at curbow have had the unique and rewarding opportunity to work with a unique brand of non-profit, church extension funds, in all aspects of their businesses.

With nearly two decades of combined experience serving various church extension funds throughout the country, we are acutely aware of the issues that matter to you and have built a foundation of church extension fund knowledge and experience to guide you in the right direction. That knowledge and experience allows us to serve you not only as trusted legal counsel, but also as strategic advisers. Simply put, we’re here to add value to your mission 

We have in-depth experience
advising church extension funds

In the highly specialized church extension fund industry, the church extension fund exists to support its denomination’s affiliated churches and related religious organizations.  In that regard, one of the primary objectives of the church extension fund is the offer and sale of notes.  The proceeds from the annual sale of notes are used by the church extension fund to fund loans to finance or refinance the purchase, construction or improvement of church property or related capital expenditures or the operational needs of those affiliated churches and related religious organizations. The attorneys at curbow have in-depth experience advising church extension funds through national offerings of hundreds of millions of dollars of debt securities across the continental United States. As a result, we have developed a thorough knowledge of state “blue sky” securities laws governing church extension fund debt securities offerings and having working relationships with state securities regulators across the nation.

Our routine services

Through our longstanding involvement in the industry, we have helped clients resolve routine and unique issues and have advised our church extension fund clients in all aspects of their operations.  For example, we routinely provide the following services to our clients:

  • Strategic planning and growth initiatives
  • Multi-state offering and loan expansion
  • Limited class of investor analysis
  • Review of sales and advertising material
  • IRS non-depository custodian compliance
  • Corporate governance
  • Annual offering services
  • Form loan document review
  • Loan documentation and modifications
  • Tax exempt purpose analysis

Beyond the annual debt offerings, curbow’s attorneys regularly advise church extension funds in matters relating to strategic planning, corporate governance, business structure and reorganization, loan documentation, trust and estates, consumer lending compliance, and IRS non-depository custodian and trustee compliance.

Let's betransparent

At curbow, we understand the importance to your church extension fund of predictability and an accurate budget. As a result, we routinely provide annual offering services and loan documentation services to church extension fund clients on flat fee pricing. For projects not within our standard church extension fund packages, we will work with you to develop a price and payment structure that works for you. After all, transparency and flexibility are just a few of our core values.

What our clientsare saying